New Citizenship by Investment programs in Montenegro and Moldova
A new Citizenship by Investment program in the European country of Montenegro will launch in October 2018 along with a separate Citizenship program in Europe’s Moldova. The decision to offer Citizenship-by-Investment (CBI) in Montenegro follows the European country of Moldova who recently announced implementation of a similar Citizenship program. Both Moldova and Montenegro will be attractive Citizenship programs allowing the countries to bring in significant revenue to their respective countries in order to help diversify the local economy. The expansion of these citizenship programs in Europe will offer an alternative to existing Citizenship programs in Cyprus and Malta which are more expensive.
Montenegro citizenship by investment will permit only 2000 applicants to obtain the passport over the period of 3 years with a minimum investment for Citizenship starting at EUR 250,000. Citizens of Montenegro will have visa free access to over 120 destinations including Schengen Area, Singapore, Hong Kong and UAE.
Moldova will offer citizenship applicants the ability to acquire citizenship by making a EUR 100,000 contribution to the Moldova Public Investment Fund. Moldova citizens have visa free travel to over 120 countries which include the Schengen Area in Europe as well as Russia.
Given the success of citizenship programs in the Caribbean and Europe it is likely that these two programs will be successful proving to be appealing to the investment migration client while at the same time improving the quality of life of the local populations.
JH Marlin is a citizenship by investment firm that specializes in Global Citizenship by Investment Programs. For a free consultation contact Attorney Jennifer Harding-Marlin at or