Citizenship by Investment Law Firm


There are several Citizenship by Investment law firms that help people acquire a passport through a citizenship by investment law firm. Citizenship by investment is the process of investing in a host country that offers a citizenship by investment program. Depending on the program citizenship can be obtained in about 6 months. Citizenship by investment is much faster than going through the traditional imigration processes and permits citizens from other countries to acquire a second passport from a country that they may not necessarily be able to become a citizen under traditional means. — Citizenship by Investment Law Firm

There are a variety of different citizenship by investment programs which include; Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St.Lucia, St.Kitts & Nevis, Vanuatu, Malta, Montenegro and Turkey. Cyprus has offered citizenship by investment for the past few years but has recently suspended it’s program.

The concept of citizenship by investment in modern times first developed in the country of St.Christopher and Nevis. The St.Christopher and Nevis Citizenship by Investment programme has been operating since 1984 and continues to operate today. There are two options to getting St.Kitts & Nevis Citizenship by Investment which include either making a donation in the Sustainable Growth Fund starting at USD 150,000 or investment in government approved real estate starting at USD 200,000 to be maintained for 7 years or USD 400,000 to be maintained for 5 years in addition to making a donation contribution. Most people choose the donation option as it is the quickest and simplest way to get citizenship.

Many other Caribbean countries have modeled their citizenship by investment programs after the St.Kitts & Nevis program. Dominica first introduce it’s Citizenship by Investment program in 1993 and along with St.Kitts & Nevis is one of the oldest running citizenship by investment programs. Antigua introduced it’s program in 2013 as well as Grenada, followed by most recently St.Lucia in 2015. All these programs have proven to be very successful with an increasing number of applicants applying every year. The funds invested into these countries through citizenship by investment have helped stimulate the local economy and have assisted with housing, medical and education purposes.

Citizenship by Investment law firms are best positioned to advise you on your chances of success, advice on who may be able to be included in your application for citizenship and the steps, break down of costs timeline and process for becoming a citizen of your new country. Each citizenship by investment program comes with unique advantages.

JH Marlin Law ( is a licensed local authorised agent for the St. Christopher and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Programme. We also can assist with applications for the other Caribbean countries such as Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, St.Lucia and Antigua. We find that St.Lucia and St.Kitts & Nevis are two of the most popular programs amongst investors.

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Jennifer Harding-Marlin -Citizenship by Investment
Jennifer Harding-Marlin -Citizenship by Investment

Written by Jennifer Harding-Marlin -Citizenship by Investment

Citizenship by Investment - St.Kitts & Nevis & Canadian Attorney, Managing Director of JHMarlin Law

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