Citizenship by Investment for citizens from Iraq
One popular citizenship by investment programme of choice for citizens from Iraq is the St.Kitts & Nevis Citizenship by Investment programme. The Iraqi passport is ranked the second worst in the world where citizens can only travel visa free to approximately 34 states. By becoming a citizen of St.Kitts & Nevis and receiving the passport, St.Kitts & Nevis citizens can travel visa-free to over 140 countries including Schengen Area, Singapore, Hong Kong, Russia amongst other countries. Access to a high level of visa-free travel is one great advantage of obtaining a second passport from St.Kitts & Nevis and allows citizens of Iraq to take advantage of business opportunities internationally. St.Kitts & Nevis is a stable country and safe place to live and Iraqi citizens can feel comfortable knowing that St.Kitts & Nevis is a welcoming stable country. St.Kitts & Nevis citizenship by investment can be passed on to future generations by descent with minimal registration and passport fees. One aspect that stands out about the St.Kitts & Nevis Citizenship by Investment programmes is that it takes approximately 3–6 months to become a citizen of the country.
The St.Kitts & Nevis Citizenship by Investment unit does an enhanced due diligence background check on applicants wishing to obtain the citizenship and passport. It is important that applicants have a clean background with no criminal record. Applicants must also be of good character and make the investment contribution under one of two different options:
- Government Donation to St. Kitts & Sustainable Growth Fund starting at US$150,000
- Investment in Government approved Real Estate in St. Kitts starting at US$200,000
There are generally required documents which are required to be submitted such as the C1-C4 application forms, notarized copy of birth record, notarized copy of proof of name change, notarized copy of national ID card, HIV test results, Police certificate, 8 photographs on 35 x 45 mm white background stamped and signed amongst other documentation.
For more information and a free consultation you can contact: JH Marlin Law a law firm in St.Kitts & Nevis that specializes in Citizenship by Investment. We have helped a number of applicants obtain a second passport.
Jennifer Harding-Marlin / Attorney / / / JH Marlin Law — Citizenship by Investment & Residency Specialists